How Your Credit Card Info Can Be Stolen By Identity Thieves
By Joseph Ducat
There are a number of situations when you are vulnerable to having your credit card information stolen by credit card thieves. Here are a few of them and how to avoid getting victimized.
Buying Gas - There have been cases where hackers have planted a software “bug” in a gas station machine used to process the credit card payments. The bug then captures any credit card information that is entered. It is not known how widespread this kind of crime is, but a number of cases have been recorded. There is no way for you to tell whether the credit card machine has a bug in it or not. The problem is in the software inside which you cannot see. If you are concerned that your credit card information can be stolen this way, and want to play it safe, then your best approach would be to pay for gas in cash. It is also safer to pay with a gas card rather than using a credit card.
Dining at a Restaurant - Most waiters and waitresses will not be out to steal your credit card information, but if any of them do, there are a number of ways that they can do it. In the first place, if a waiter takes your credit card to bring to the cashier, there is a chance that he may take the credit card information when the card is not in your view, possibly by using an electronic device known as a skimmer. Also, sometimes you may be given a card that is not yours, but looks similar, leaving your card behind where it can be vulnerable to identity thieves. This is a less likely approach as it is easily discovered, but nevertheless, you should always check to see whether the credit card you get back is actually yours. And mistakes are always possible. If you do not want to let your credit card out of your sight, then you should just go to the cashier to make your payment, no matter what other people in the restaurant may think.
Paying at the Cashier - There are email stories about people who pay with a credit or debit card, and the person taking it secretly takes a picture of the card using a camera phone. Although the stories may not be true, such a scam is at least technologically possible. You should always be alert when you are paying with a credit card. Take care that no one nearby is stealing glances at your credit card. Don’t bother to look for a camera--if it is there, you will not see it anyway. Instead, wait for the cashier to ask for your payment and hand it directly to him or her. Don’t just place it on the counter. And don’t let the card out of your sight. Make sure you can see what the cashier is doing with your card.
What Steps Can You Take To Prevent Identity Fraud? Find out with the articles on identity theft available at
Article Source:
There are a number of situations when you are vulnerable to having your credit card information stolen by credit card thieves. Here are a few of them and how to avoid getting victimized: Buying Gas - Dining at a Restaurant - Paying at the Cashier
Monday, May 14, 2007
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Wireless Credit Card Terminal
Virtual Credit Card Terminals
By Kent Pinkerton
Virtual credit card terminals are the best means for processing credit card payments. They are perfect for any business that accepts credit card payments by phone, fax or e-mail. Virtual credit card terminals are a safe, browser-based interface that allows you to authorize, process, and manage credit card transactions, using any computer with an Internet connection. You do not need a physical credit card terminal.
As they reduce complexity and expenses, virtual credit card terminals are suitable for businesses of all sizes. They are commonly used in utility companies, mail order businesses, call center operations, newspapers and magazines, insurance companies, charities, and service companies. With virtual credit card terminals, you can manually enter credit card transactions for mail or phone order sales, refund money to a customer's credit card, automatically bill customers for recurring charges, check the status of transactions, run a variety of reports, and capture previously authorized transaction.
Virtual terminals are software-based credit card terminals enabling you to quickly capture and authorize credit card transactions in real time. When the process is complete, the merchant receives an authorization number and the server stores the transaction details. Transactions are automatically settled at the end of the day and the reports are generated within two to three business days.
Compared with POS (point of sale) terminals, virtual credit card terminals are very fast. Other features of virtual credit card terminals include address verification service, customer and merchant email notifications, recurring payments, and detailed reporting capabilities. Automatic item sub-total calculation, credit card swipe card option, automatic tax calculation, automatic shipping calculation, item discount calculator, billing and shipping data fields, and coupon or rebate calculator are the added features of virtual credit card terminals.
Unlike other software packages, virtual credit card terminals do not need licensing fees and fees for upgrades and customer service. The cost is always associated with authorizing and processing of credit card transactions. Most software-based credit card terminals utilize flash memory to store the software.
Credit Card Terminals provides detailed information on Credit Card Terminals, Credit Card Terminal Systems, Wireless Credit Card Terminals, Credit Card Processing Terminals and more. Credit Card Terminals is affiliated with Credit Card Processing Software.
Article Source:
By Kent Pinkerton
Virtual credit card terminals are the best means for processing credit card payments. They are perfect for any business that accepts credit card payments by phone, fax or e-mail. Virtual credit card terminals are a safe, browser-based interface that allows you to authorize, process, and manage credit card transactions, using any computer with an Internet connection. You do not need a physical credit card terminal.
As they reduce complexity and expenses, virtual credit card terminals are suitable for businesses of all sizes. They are commonly used in utility companies, mail order businesses, call center operations, newspapers and magazines, insurance companies, charities, and service companies. With virtual credit card terminals, you can manually enter credit card transactions for mail or phone order sales, refund money to a customer's credit card, automatically bill customers for recurring charges, check the status of transactions, run a variety of reports, and capture previously authorized transaction.
Virtual terminals are software-based credit card terminals enabling you to quickly capture and authorize credit card transactions in real time. When the process is complete, the merchant receives an authorization number and the server stores the transaction details. Transactions are automatically settled at the end of the day and the reports are generated within two to three business days.
Compared with POS (point of sale) terminals, virtual credit card terminals are very fast. Other features of virtual credit card terminals include address verification service, customer and merchant email notifications, recurring payments, and detailed reporting capabilities. Automatic item sub-total calculation, credit card swipe card option, automatic tax calculation, automatic shipping calculation, item discount calculator, billing and shipping data fields, and coupon or rebate calculator are the added features of virtual credit card terminals.
Unlike other software packages, virtual credit card terminals do not need licensing fees and fees for upgrades and customer service. The cost is always associated with authorizing and processing of credit card transactions. Most software-based credit card terminals utilize flash memory to store the software.
Credit Card Terminals provides detailed information on Credit Card Terminals, Credit Card Terminal Systems, Wireless Credit Card Terminals, Credit Card Processing Terminals and more. Credit Card Terminals is affiliated with Credit Card Processing Software.
Article Source:
Friday, May 11, 2007
Wireless Credit Card Terminal
Is Your Wireless Network Secure?
By Jeremy Whittaker
Networking professionals are encouraging people to think
twice about wireless network security. You might be
thinking I use WEP-128 bit encryption with MAC address
filtering, I’m safe. Or you may be you’ve never even heard
of WEP, if this is the case you might want to unplug your
wireless access point immediately. But then again look at
the bright side at least you don’t have the false sense of
security that your network is secure. Perhaps you are the
smart guy who knows how insecure wireless networks are. You
too are at just an equal risk!
Your computer consultant might be partially right when they
say WEP will protect your network. It will protect your
network from casual snooping but that is about it. Last
year the FBI was able to crack a WEP protected network in
less than 3 minutes with tools widely available on the
internet. Since then it’s been downhill for WEP.
At this point you might be thinking, “Oh well, someone gets
on my network and uses the internet”. This is completely
false. If someone has gone through the process of getting
on your network chances are the only thing they want is not
internet access. Any computer security professional will
tell you that physical access to the network is 95% of the
security battle. Once this has been accomplished you can
consider all of your data compromised. Customer invoices,
customer data, credit card numbers and passwords to
financial institutions will all be in the hands of a hacker.
One in many methods can be used to gain access to your
personal data, whether it’s through Key loggers, Trojans, or
just by sniffing your plaintext network traffic.
Maybe, just maybe, I have not convinced you of the
insecurities of wireless networks. Let me tell you about
another attack that hackers can use to gain access to your
network. Let’s say your access points are completely locked
down, to your knowledge. A user from your network goes and
flips on their laptop while sitting in an airport terminal
waiting for a plane. They see an available insecure
wireless network so they click on it and connect. None of us
have ever done this before right, itching to check their
email one last time before heading out of town? Unbeknownst
to them they have just clicked on a fake honeypot wireless
network, set up by a rogue hacker that before they can even
realize their machine is already being scanned. Picture for
a moment that user could be anywhere, even sitting at a desk
in your network. Just as long as the rogue access point is
stronger than your AP’s radio signal you’re security is
May be you fall into the category of never setting up
wireless networks because you read about their insecurities.
How then can you be at risk? Just consider for a moment
that a user in your organization fires up his wireless card.
See’s a wireless network that is named XYZCorp after your
company. So they connect to it and immediately a script is
hammering their machine for security vulnerabilities. Once
again they connected to a rogue access point setup by a
hacker. Now you might be thinking. “C’mon you must have to
be a computer genius to find and run these tools.” Think
again, thanks to the kind people over at
all these tools can be downloaded in one big happy ISO file.
Burned to a CD as an image and bang you’re done, ready to
take a drive to the nearest business and start sniffing
credit card numbers. Everything wrapped into a nice package
just waiting for the next script kiddy to start running the
programs. You may be thinking ok this is a major problem so
what should I do? Give up my organizations ability to use
wireless networks? This isn’t exactly what we are saying.
A newer wireless security technology has taken over in 2004
called WPA. It is more secure than WEP. And so far tools
are not as readily available to hack your network. But
consider the following. WEP was ratified in the late 1990’s
less than six years later it was exploited. This is typical
of almost every computer technology. It is only a matter of
time before technologies are exploited. Just always
remember Security is a multi-tiered companywide
responsibility. From providing physical security to web
site security all matters should be considered serious and
not taken lightly. So before you grab a wireless access
point and slap it in your network, I urge you to think
You may think you are in a sinking boat because you are a
small organization not able to implement the latest
technologies and afford the newest access points. Or maybe
you cannot afford to pay an IT staff over 100k-200k a year
to maintain your medium size network. Executives at
Network Solutions say you should consider IT outsourcing or
IT consulting. You can get Industry certified engineers on
a project by project basis. Contractual relationships are
also available to dump the responsibility of your network
into their hands for a fraction of the price. To keep your
small to medium size network performing like a Fortune 500
machine invest the capital and secure your assets.
Jeremy Whittaker is a Senior Consultant for N2 Network Solutions, a leader in Phoenix IT Outsourcing, providing computer services and Phoenix IT Consulting.
Article Source:
Wireless networking in today's market is everywhere. But is it secure? Even if you haven't installed or configured wireless networking in your network. You can still be at risk.
By Jeremy Whittaker
Networking professionals are encouraging people to think
twice about wireless network security. You might be
thinking I use WEP-128 bit encryption with MAC address
filtering, I’m safe. Or you may be you’ve never even heard
of WEP, if this is the case you might want to unplug your
wireless access point immediately. But then again look at
the bright side at least you don’t have the false sense of
security that your network is secure. Perhaps you are the
smart guy who knows how insecure wireless networks are. You
too are at just an equal risk!
Your computer consultant might be partially right when they
say WEP will protect your network. It will protect your
network from casual snooping but that is about it. Last
year the FBI was able to crack a WEP protected network in
less than 3 minutes with tools widely available on the
internet. Since then it’s been downhill for WEP.
At this point you might be thinking, “Oh well, someone gets
on my network and uses the internet”. This is completely
false. If someone has gone through the process of getting
on your network chances are the only thing they want is not
internet access. Any computer security professional will
tell you that physical access to the network is 95% of the
security battle. Once this has been accomplished you can
consider all of your data compromised. Customer invoices,
customer data, credit card numbers and passwords to
financial institutions will all be in the hands of a hacker.
One in many methods can be used to gain access to your
personal data, whether it’s through Key loggers, Trojans, or
just by sniffing your plaintext network traffic.
Maybe, just maybe, I have not convinced you of the
insecurities of wireless networks. Let me tell you about
another attack that hackers can use to gain access to your
network. Let’s say your access points are completely locked
down, to your knowledge. A user from your network goes and
flips on their laptop while sitting in an airport terminal
waiting for a plane. They see an available insecure
wireless network so they click on it and connect. None of us
have ever done this before right, itching to check their
email one last time before heading out of town? Unbeknownst
to them they have just clicked on a fake honeypot wireless
network, set up by a rogue hacker that before they can even
realize their machine is already being scanned. Picture for
a moment that user could be anywhere, even sitting at a desk
in your network. Just as long as the rogue access point is
stronger than your AP’s radio signal you’re security is
May be you fall into the category of never setting up
wireless networks because you read about their insecurities.
How then can you be at risk? Just consider for a moment
that a user in your organization fires up his wireless card.
See’s a wireless network that is named XYZCorp after your
company. So they connect to it and immediately a script is
hammering their machine for security vulnerabilities. Once
again they connected to a rogue access point setup by a
hacker. Now you might be thinking. “C’mon you must have to
be a computer genius to find and run these tools.” Think
again, thanks to the kind people over at
all these tools can be downloaded in one big happy ISO file.
Burned to a CD as an image and bang you’re done, ready to
take a drive to the nearest business and start sniffing
credit card numbers. Everything wrapped into a nice package
just waiting for the next script kiddy to start running the
programs. You may be thinking ok this is a major problem so
what should I do? Give up my organizations ability to use
wireless networks? This isn’t exactly what we are saying.
A newer wireless security technology has taken over in 2004
called WPA. It is more secure than WEP. And so far tools
are not as readily available to hack your network. But
consider the following. WEP was ratified in the late 1990’s
less than six years later it was exploited. This is typical
of almost every computer technology. It is only a matter of
time before technologies are exploited. Just always
remember Security is a multi-tiered companywide
responsibility. From providing physical security to web
site security all matters should be considered serious and
not taken lightly. So before you grab a wireless access
point and slap it in your network, I urge you to think
You may think you are in a sinking boat because you are a
small organization not able to implement the latest
technologies and afford the newest access points. Or maybe
you cannot afford to pay an IT staff over 100k-200k a year
to maintain your medium size network. Executives at
Network Solutions say you should consider IT outsourcing or
IT consulting. You can get Industry certified engineers on
a project by project basis. Contractual relationships are
also available to dump the responsibility of your network
into their hands for a fraction of the price. To keep your
small to medium size network performing like a Fortune 500
machine invest the capital and secure your assets.
Jeremy Whittaker is a Senior Consultant for N2 Network Solutions, a leader in Phoenix IT Outsourcing, providing computer services and Phoenix IT Consulting.
Article Source:
Wireless networking in today's market is everywhere. But is it secure? Even if you haven't installed or configured wireless networking in your network. You can still be at risk.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Wireless Credit Card Terminal
Virtual Credit Card Terminals
By Kent Pinkerton
Virtual credit card terminals are the best means for processing credit card payments. They are perfect for any business that accepts credit card payments by phone, fax or e-mail. Virtual credit card terminals are a safe, browser-based interface that allows you to authorize, process, and manage credit card transactions, using any computer with an Internet connection. You do not need a physical credit card terminal.
As they reduce complexity and expenses, virtual credit card terminals are suitable for businesses of all sizes. They are commonly used in utility companies, mail order businesses, call center operations, newspapers and magazines, insurance companies, charities, and service companies. With virtual credit card terminals, you can manually enter credit card transactions for mail or phone order sales, refund money to a customer's credit card, automatically bill customers for recurring charges, check the status of transactions, run a variety of reports, and capture previously authorized transaction.
Virtual terminals are software-based credit card terminals enabling you to quickly capture and authorize credit card transactions in real time. When the process is complete, the merchant receives an authorization number and the server stores the transaction details. Transactions are automatically settled at the end of the day and the reports are generated within two to three business days.
Compared with POS (point of sale) terminals, virtual credit card terminals are very fast. Other features of virtual credit card terminals include address verification service, customer and merchant email notifications, recurring payments, and detailed reporting capabilities. Automatic item sub-total calculation, credit card swipe card option, automatic tax calculation, automatic shipping calculation, item discount calculator, billing and shipping data fields, and coupon or rebate calculator are the added features of virtual credit card terminals.
Unlike other software packages, virtual credit card terminals do not need licensing fees and fees for upgrades and customer service. The cost is always associated with authorizing and processing of credit card transactions. Most software-based credit card terminals utilize flash memory to store the software.
Credit Card Terminals provides detailed information on Credit Card Terminals, Credit Card Terminal Systems, Wireless Credit Card Terminals, Credit Card Processing Terminals and more. Credit Card Terminals is affiliated with Credit Card Processing Software.
Article Source:
By Kent Pinkerton
Virtual credit card terminals are the best means for processing credit card payments. They are perfect for any business that accepts credit card payments by phone, fax or e-mail. Virtual credit card terminals are a safe, browser-based interface that allows you to authorize, process, and manage credit card transactions, using any computer with an Internet connection. You do not need a physical credit card terminal.
As they reduce complexity and expenses, virtual credit card terminals are suitable for businesses of all sizes. They are commonly used in utility companies, mail order businesses, call center operations, newspapers and magazines, insurance companies, charities, and service companies. With virtual credit card terminals, you can manually enter credit card transactions for mail or phone order sales, refund money to a customer's credit card, automatically bill customers for recurring charges, check the status of transactions, run a variety of reports, and capture previously authorized transaction.
Virtual terminals are software-based credit card terminals enabling you to quickly capture and authorize credit card transactions in real time. When the process is complete, the merchant receives an authorization number and the server stores the transaction details. Transactions are automatically settled at the end of the day and the reports are generated within two to three business days.
Compared with POS (point of sale) terminals, virtual credit card terminals are very fast. Other features of virtual credit card terminals include address verification service, customer and merchant email notifications, recurring payments, and detailed reporting capabilities. Automatic item sub-total calculation, credit card swipe card option, automatic tax calculation, automatic shipping calculation, item discount calculator, billing and shipping data fields, and coupon or rebate calculator are the added features of virtual credit card terminals.
Unlike other software packages, virtual credit card terminals do not need licensing fees and fees for upgrades and customer service. The cost is always associated with authorizing and processing of credit card transactions. Most software-based credit card terminals utilize flash memory to store the software.
Credit Card Terminals provides detailed information on Credit Card Terminals, Credit Card Terminal Systems, Wireless Credit Card Terminals, Credit Card Processing Terminals and more. Credit Card Terminals is affiliated with Credit Card Processing Software.
Article Source:
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Wireless Credit Card Terminal
What is wireless credit card machine?
02nd October 2006
Author: Vinay Choubey
Wireless credit card machines are at the forefront of credit card processing technology. Many have built in pin pads and thermal printers to make them a complete mobile transaction solution. They are lightweight, very portable and are easy to use.
? A wireless credit card machine comes with advanced technology but also with a much higher price tag when compared to standard POS terminals. The starting price on a wireless credit card machine is around $850.00 for full featured terminals and can go up from there.
? Wireless credit card machines are most often used in mobile and trade show businesses, but are becoming more common in upscale restaurants, taxi, limo, and delivery services.
? The comstar charge anywhere terminal has a much lower price, but does not include an attached printer. One of the benefits of wireless terminals is a feature called store and forward. This service allows cards to be processed when no cellular service is available, by storing the card and transaction information obtained in the swiping of the credit card. The merchant later completes the transaction when service is available. By using store and forward, a merchant will never have to turn down a sale.
? Most wireless terminals have built in pin pads, and are also able to operate with electronic check acceptance services. Due to federal regulations, both debit and electronic checks must be processed through a land line connection and cannot be processed wireless. This is due to the added security that is required when transactions involve a customers bank account.
How Wireless Network works
Wireless credit card machines operate on wireless networks, and thus require additional wireless fee for the cellular service. A wireless credit card machine can be used with a normal phone line if cellular service is not available within a particular area, or can be set up with a store and forward system when no telecommunication method is available at all.
Important Wireless Network Information
? Mobitex Wireless Processing Network
It uses a satellite network, and operates similar to a cellular phone. This network is the standard for wireless processing. The mobitex network is run by Velocita Wireless. This is not the standard cellular phone network, but is designed specifically for business and processing uses.
? CDPD Wireless Processing Network
It is similar to but pre-dates the Motient network is called CDPD. Machines that use the CDPD system will soon be useless on the wireless processing network because the CDPD system is being abandoned. It is important when purchasing a wireless terminal to ensure that the machine does not use the CDPD wireless network but uses the Motient or CDMA networks.
? Wireless Network
Wireless Network is very new for processing is the standard GSM and CDMA cellular phone networks. The GSM network is used by Cingular and T-Mobile. The CDMA network is used by Verizon and Sprint Wireless. These systems are the networks that most cellular phones operate on, allowing for a very large coverage area and reliable service. The coverage area is substantially larger than the Motient Network.
For more details on Credit Card Machine visit us at and more information.
This article is free for republishing
02nd October 2006
Author: Vinay Choubey
Wireless credit card machines are at the forefront of credit card processing technology. Many have built in pin pads and thermal printers to make them a complete mobile transaction solution. They are lightweight, very portable and are easy to use.
? A wireless credit card machine comes with advanced technology but also with a much higher price tag when compared to standard POS terminals. The starting price on a wireless credit card machine is around $850.00 for full featured terminals and can go up from there.
? Wireless credit card machines are most often used in mobile and trade show businesses, but are becoming more common in upscale restaurants, taxi, limo, and delivery services.
? The comstar charge anywhere terminal has a much lower price, but does not include an attached printer. One of the benefits of wireless terminals is a feature called store and forward. This service allows cards to be processed when no cellular service is available, by storing the card and transaction information obtained in the swiping of the credit card. The merchant later completes the transaction when service is available. By using store and forward, a merchant will never have to turn down a sale.
? Most wireless terminals have built in pin pads, and are also able to operate with electronic check acceptance services. Due to federal regulations, both debit and electronic checks must be processed through a land line connection and cannot be processed wireless. This is due to the added security that is required when transactions involve a customers bank account.
How Wireless Network works
Wireless credit card machines operate on wireless networks, and thus require additional wireless fee for the cellular service. A wireless credit card machine can be used with a normal phone line if cellular service is not available within a particular area, or can be set up with a store and forward system when no telecommunication method is available at all.
Important Wireless Network Information
? Mobitex Wireless Processing Network
It uses a satellite network, and operates similar to a cellular phone. This network is the standard for wireless processing. The mobitex network is run by Velocita Wireless. This is not the standard cellular phone network, but is designed specifically for business and processing uses.
? CDPD Wireless Processing Network
It is similar to but pre-dates the Motient network is called CDPD. Machines that use the CDPD system will soon be useless on the wireless processing network because the CDPD system is being abandoned. It is important when purchasing a wireless terminal to ensure that the machine does not use the CDPD wireless network but uses the Motient or CDMA networks.
? Wireless Network
Wireless Network is very new for processing is the standard GSM and CDMA cellular phone networks. The GSM network is used by Cingular and T-Mobile. The CDMA network is used by Verizon and Sprint Wireless. These systems are the networks that most cellular phones operate on, allowing for a very large coverage area and reliable service. The coverage area is substantially larger than the Motient Network.
For more details on Credit Card Machine visit us at and more information.
This article is free for republishing
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Wireless Credit Card Terminals
What is wireless credit card machine?
02nd October 2006
Author: Vinay Choubey
Wireless credit card machines are at the forefront of credit card processing technology. Many have built in pin pads and thermal printers to make them a complete mobile transaction solution. They are lightweight, very portable and are easy to use.
? A wireless credit card machine comes with advanced technology but also with a much higher price tag when compared to standard POS terminals. The starting price on a wireless credit card machine is around $850.00 for full featured terminals and can go up from there.
? Wireless credit card machines are most often used in mobile and trade show businesses, but are becoming more common in upscale restaurants, taxi, limo, and delivery services.
? The comstar charge anywhere terminal has a much lower price, but does not include an attached printer. One of the benefits of wireless terminals is a feature called store and forward. This service allows cards to be processed when no cellular service is available, by storing the card and transaction information obtained in the swiping of the credit card. The merchant later completes the transaction when service is available. By using store and forward, a merchant will never have to turn down a sale.
? Most wireless terminals have built in pin pads, and are also able to operate with electronic check acceptance services. Due to federal regulations, both debit and electronic checks must be processed through a land line connection and cannot be processed wireless. This is due to the added security that is required when transactions involve a customers bank account.
How Wireless Network works
Wireless credit card machines operate on wireless networks, and thus require additional wireless fee for the cellular service. A wireless credit card machine can be used with a normal phone line if cellular service is not available within a particular area, or can be set up with a store and forward system when no telecommunication method is available at all.
Important Wireless Network Information
? Mobitex Wireless Processing Network
It uses a satellite network, and operates similar to a cellular phone. This network is the standard for wireless processing. The mobitex network is run by Velocita Wireless. This is not the standard cellular phone network, but is designed specifically for business and processing uses.
? CDPD Wireless Processing Network
It is similar to but pre-dates the Motient network is called CDPD. Machines that use the CDPD system will soon be useless on the wireless processing network because the CDPD system is being abandoned. It is important when purchasing a wireless terminal to ensure that the machine does not use the CDPD wireless network but uses the Motient or CDMA networks.
? Wireless Network
Wireless Network is very new for processing is the standard GSM and CDMA cellular phone networks. The GSM network is used by Cingular and T-Mobile. The CDMA network is used by Verizon and Sprint Wireless. These systems are the networks that most cellular phones operate on, allowing for a very large coverage area and reliable service. The coverage area is substantially larger than the Motient Network.
For more details on Credit Card Machine visit us at and more information.
This article is free for republishing
02nd October 2006
Author: Vinay Choubey
Wireless credit card machines are at the forefront of credit card processing technology. Many have built in pin pads and thermal printers to make them a complete mobile transaction solution. They are lightweight, very portable and are easy to use.
? A wireless credit card machine comes with advanced technology but also with a much higher price tag when compared to standard POS terminals. The starting price on a wireless credit card machine is around $850.00 for full featured terminals and can go up from there.
? Wireless credit card machines are most often used in mobile and trade show businesses, but are becoming more common in upscale restaurants, taxi, limo, and delivery services.
? The comstar charge anywhere terminal has a much lower price, but does not include an attached printer. One of the benefits of wireless terminals is a feature called store and forward. This service allows cards to be processed when no cellular service is available, by storing the card and transaction information obtained in the swiping of the credit card. The merchant later completes the transaction when service is available. By using store and forward, a merchant will never have to turn down a sale.
? Most wireless terminals have built in pin pads, and are also able to operate with electronic check acceptance services. Due to federal regulations, both debit and electronic checks must be processed through a land line connection and cannot be processed wireless. This is due to the added security that is required when transactions involve a customers bank account.
How Wireless Network works
Wireless credit card machines operate on wireless networks, and thus require additional wireless fee for the cellular service. A wireless credit card machine can be used with a normal phone line if cellular service is not available within a particular area, or can be set up with a store and forward system when no telecommunication method is available at all.
Important Wireless Network Information
? Mobitex Wireless Processing Network
It uses a satellite network, and operates similar to a cellular phone. This network is the standard for wireless processing. The mobitex network is run by Velocita Wireless. This is not the standard cellular phone network, but is designed specifically for business and processing uses.
? CDPD Wireless Processing Network
It is similar to but pre-dates the Motient network is called CDPD. Machines that use the CDPD system will soon be useless on the wireless processing network because the CDPD system is being abandoned. It is important when purchasing a wireless terminal to ensure that the machine does not use the CDPD wireless network but uses the Motient or CDMA networks.
? Wireless Network
Wireless Network is very new for processing is the standard GSM and CDMA cellular phone networks. The GSM network is used by Cingular and T-Mobile. The CDMA network is used by Verizon and Sprint Wireless. These systems are the networks that most cellular phones operate on, allowing for a very large coverage area and reliable service. The coverage area is substantially larger than the Motient Network.
For more details on Credit Card Machine visit us at and more information.
This article is free for republishing
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Wireless Credit Card Terminal
How Wireless Handheld Credit Card Processing Can Save Your Business Time and Money
By Gerald Schiano
If you are in a service business, how often do you invoice someone and wait 30, 60, 90+ days to get paid. How often do you never get paid? Many of you might already appreciate the benefits of accepting Visa/Mastercard, Amex, and Discover, but currently call in/key in credit card transactions. The fact that a physical credit card is not swiped is costing your business money. It is considered a higher risk transaction and your discount rate will be higher on a non-swiped card transaction. The solution that will save your company time and money is the wireless credit card terminal.
Wireless networks have evolved to the point where they are now very comprehensive and cost effective. The following list of professions could benefit substantially from wireless processing: plumbers, locksmiths, taxis, limo’s, pizza delivery, home parties, trade show participants, flea market merchants, contractors, electricians, snow plowing, lawn maintenance and photographers. The list is endless!
We all know that it is much more appetizing to spend a little more money when you use plastic. Credit Cards also make it more possible for an impulse purchase. For example, we are currently quoting an aerial photographer that takes beautiful pictures of homes in New England, then sells the finished product to the homeowner. A wireless terminal will surely increase his business and grab many of those impulse buyers that might not have purchased with cash on hand.
In closing, many industries could benefit from a wireless hand held credit card terminal. As always, do your research before purchasing and demand that your credit card processor educate you on all aspects of your contract!
Gerald Schiano is a consultant with United Bankcard of New England. He can be reached for a complimentary analysis of your businesses current credit card processing statement or a bid on new service.,, 401-404-5600
There is a reason UBC is the sixth fastest growing private company in the INC 500. Great Service & Great Pricing!
United Bankcard of New England is a proud Agent for United Bankcard a registered ISO/MSP of First National Bank Of Omaha
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By Gerald Schiano
If you are in a service business, how often do you invoice someone and wait 30, 60, 90+ days to get paid. How often do you never get paid? Many of you might already appreciate the benefits of accepting Visa/Mastercard, Amex, and Discover, but currently call in/key in credit card transactions. The fact that a physical credit card is not swiped is costing your business money. It is considered a higher risk transaction and your discount rate will be higher on a non-swiped card transaction. The solution that will save your company time and money is the wireless credit card terminal.
Wireless networks have evolved to the point where they are now very comprehensive and cost effective. The following list of professions could benefit substantially from wireless processing: plumbers, locksmiths, taxis, limo’s, pizza delivery, home parties, trade show participants, flea market merchants, contractors, electricians, snow plowing, lawn maintenance and photographers. The list is endless!
We all know that it is much more appetizing to spend a little more money when you use plastic. Credit Cards also make it more possible for an impulse purchase. For example, we are currently quoting an aerial photographer that takes beautiful pictures of homes in New England, then sells the finished product to the homeowner. A wireless terminal will surely increase his business and grab many of those impulse buyers that might not have purchased with cash on hand.
In closing, many industries could benefit from a wireless hand held credit card terminal. As always, do your research before purchasing and demand that your credit card processor educate you on all aspects of your contract!
Gerald Schiano is a consultant with United Bankcard of New England. He can be reached for a complimentary analysis of your businesses current credit card processing statement or a bid on new service.,, 401-404-5600
There is a reason UBC is the sixth fastest growing private company in the INC 500. Great Service & Great Pricing!
United Bankcard of New England is a proud Agent for United Bankcard a registered ISO/MSP of First National Bank Of Omaha
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Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Wireless Credit Card Terminal
The Cost of Leasing a Credit Card Machine
By Jamie Estep
Leasing credit card machines and equipment is a common practice for many new business owners. When a business starts out, they are often met with a barrage of telemarketers and companies offering to help them to accept credit cards. Because of the new business owner's extremely busy schedule and lack of knowledge regarding the credit card processing industry, owners are often convinced that leasing a credit card terminal is the best solution for their business.
In reality, leasing a credit card machine is far from the best interest. For most businesses, a simple swipe and print credit card machine is a perfectly acceptable method of accepting credit cards. What many new business owners fail to do, is investigate the actual price of a new credit card machine. What they would find is that the outright purchase of a credit card terminal is often a completely reasonably priced purchase, and usually is many times less costly than a lease. What would cost them two to three hundred dollars to own, can cost them thousands of dollars to lease. Money is very tight, especially during the startup phase of a business, and the extra money spent on leasing a credit card machine is most definitely better suited elsewhere.
Leasing credit card equipment became a standard in the eighties and early nineties, when the lack of consumer knowledge and a growing processing industry led to the portrayal of high priced processing equipment. During this time fifty dollar per month leases were not uncommon. Since the creation of the internet, consumers have access to a vast amount of information. Processing companies can no longer easily inflate the costs of processing equipment. Now, new business owners are virtually the only group susceptible to getting scammed into a lease. This is due mainly to time constraints and a lack of research on their part.
Leases do still play a role in obtaining credit card equipment, but should only be considered when the required equipment is very high priced. Wireless terminals, while becoming more affordable, can still be a considerable investment. Wireless terminals can still cost over a thousand dollars to purchase which is definitely a significant amount of money. Leasing a wireless terminal can alleviate some of this cost, but business owners should still be aware that they will pay more than the cost of the terminal in the end.
Leases also often come with strings attached, or more appropriately a web of strings attached. Lease commonly last for thirty six to forty eight months, but can be in any increment from twelve months up to forty eight. The shorter the lease, the higher the monthly payment. Leases are also normally non cancel-able for the duration of the lease. There may be considerable penalties for canceling a lease before its term is up. Leases are not always for ownership of the equipment, and hefty buyout fees can occur at the end of the lease. Some leases start over at the end of their term, and the business only has a short window to opt out of the lease. Businesses should be aware of the terms governing the lease before they even contemplate signing it. Signing a lease without fully understanding what is involved in it and fully calculating the cost of the lease can be an extremely expensive mistake.
Enter your lease information into the lease cost calculator to find out how much extra leasing will cost you compared to purchasing.
Copyright 2006 Jamie Estep, The Merchant Account Blog.
Jamie Estep runs the website: (The Merchant Account Blog) and offers information and advice on topics relating to credit card processing. The Merchant Account Blog also has a lease cost calculator where businesses can compare the costs of an equipment lease to purchasing a terminal outright. (Credit Card Terminal Lease Calculator)
Article Source:
By Jamie Estep
Leasing credit card machines and equipment is a common practice for many new business owners. When a business starts out, they are often met with a barrage of telemarketers and companies offering to help them to accept credit cards. Because of the new business owner's extremely busy schedule and lack of knowledge regarding the credit card processing industry, owners are often convinced that leasing a credit card terminal is the best solution for their business.
In reality, leasing a credit card machine is far from the best interest. For most businesses, a simple swipe and print credit card machine is a perfectly acceptable method of accepting credit cards. What many new business owners fail to do, is investigate the actual price of a new credit card machine. What they would find is that the outright purchase of a credit card terminal is often a completely reasonably priced purchase, and usually is many times less costly than a lease. What would cost them two to three hundred dollars to own, can cost them thousands of dollars to lease. Money is very tight, especially during the startup phase of a business, and the extra money spent on leasing a credit card machine is most definitely better suited elsewhere.
Leasing credit card equipment became a standard in the eighties and early nineties, when the lack of consumer knowledge and a growing processing industry led to the portrayal of high priced processing equipment. During this time fifty dollar per month leases were not uncommon. Since the creation of the internet, consumers have access to a vast amount of information. Processing companies can no longer easily inflate the costs of processing equipment. Now, new business owners are virtually the only group susceptible to getting scammed into a lease. This is due mainly to time constraints and a lack of research on their part.
Leases do still play a role in obtaining credit card equipment, but should only be considered when the required equipment is very high priced. Wireless terminals, while becoming more affordable, can still be a considerable investment. Wireless terminals can still cost over a thousand dollars to purchase which is definitely a significant amount of money. Leasing a wireless terminal can alleviate some of this cost, but business owners should still be aware that they will pay more than the cost of the terminal in the end.
Leases also often come with strings attached, or more appropriately a web of strings attached. Lease commonly last for thirty six to forty eight months, but can be in any increment from twelve months up to forty eight. The shorter the lease, the higher the monthly payment. Leases are also normally non cancel-able for the duration of the lease. There may be considerable penalties for canceling a lease before its term is up. Leases are not always for ownership of the equipment, and hefty buyout fees can occur at the end of the lease. Some leases start over at the end of their term, and the business only has a short window to opt out of the lease. Businesses should be aware of the terms governing the lease before they even contemplate signing it. Signing a lease without fully understanding what is involved in it and fully calculating the cost of the lease can be an extremely expensive mistake.
Enter your lease information into the lease cost calculator to find out how much extra leasing will cost you compared to purchasing.
Copyright 2006 Jamie Estep, The Merchant Account Blog.
Jamie Estep runs the website: (The Merchant Account Blog) and offers information and advice on topics relating to credit card processing. The Merchant Account Blog also has a lease cost calculator where businesses can compare the costs of an equipment lease to purchasing a terminal outright. (Credit Card Terminal Lease Calculator)
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